On a Typology of Situated Interaction
Interaction Design • Pattern
Borrowing from ideas on architectural type, we might develop a typology of situated interaction. This would be a set of patterns of human interaction each characterized by the protocols, etiquettes, and activities accumulated in a place.
Digital Ground • Malcolm McCullough • 2004
On Social Fiction
Pattern • Everyday
Meaningful, sustainable interaction design should be rooted in aspects of everyday life, pursuing a kind of participatory social fiction, rather than a spectacular science fiction.
In the Bubble • John Thackara • 2005
On Deliberate Thinking Through Defined Roleplay
Pattern • Facilitation • Play
Roleplay make the rules of thinking explicit and gives people permission to think in ways they may not have otherwise. The six thinking hats are an example of defined roles for thinking.
Six Thinking Hats • Edward de Bono • 1985